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So What Exactly Is 'Plagiarism'?

If you ended up on this page, you may be interested in what plagiarism is, and how web sites like are protected against it.

If you were to type the word 'plagiarism' into your search engine, and followed it to Wikipedia, you would find a wealth of information on the different types of plagiarism.

Bottom line though is it is illegal, and it is stealing! Also thanks to many free and small charge services it is very easy to find thieves of intellectual property. So do not fret - you will be caught!

There are many programs now running right now that can detect duplicated content and track both the source and the parties involved.

Wikipedia put's it this way - "Content scraping is a phenomenon of copy and pasting material from internet websites, affecting both established sites and blogs. Free online tools are becoming available to help identify plagiarism, and there is a range of approaches that attempt to limit online copying, such as disabling right clicking and placing warning banners regarding copyrights on web pages. Instances of plagiarism that involve copyright violation may be addressed by the rightful content owners sending a DMCA removal notice to the offending site-owner, or to the ISP that is hosting the offending site.

It is important to reiterate that plagiarism is not the mere copying of text, but the presentation of another's ideas as one's own, regardless of the specific words or constructs used to express that idea."

If you would like to use any information found on this site please contact us first by clicking here. (Just contacting us does not equal permission. Written permission from us and terms of use are required first.)

Thanks Very Muchly...

Michelle from

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