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Keeping Kittens - Guide to Caring for Kittens

Cute Kitten Care > Cute Kitten Pictures > Black Kittens

Simply the Cutest Pictures of Black Kittens

Check out these cute kitten pics! Coal colored cats sometimes get a hard time for being unlucky, or a bit spooky. Even though these littly kitties can sometimes get referred to as a "witches cat" they really are just a kitten. They deserve your love, care and attention as any other kitten color!

Enjoy these adorable kitty photos...

pictures of cute black kittens with blue eyes
Photo by Bibi. (Footer for photo credit)

3 Adorable Ebony Kittens

Aren't these big blue eyed kitty cats just too cute?

I wouldn't blame you if you were tempted to take one of these little kitties home!

pictures of cute black kittens
Photo by u-murrayhusted. (Footer for photo credit)

A Little Kitty Attitude

This black kitty has the famous cat stare down perfectly!!

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pictures of 5 month old black kitten
Photo by erinc salor. (Footer for photo credit)

Is That Food In Your Hand?

Please, please... pretty please? Just a small bite?

What a great looking ebony 5 month old kitty cat!

pictures of cute baby black kittens
Photo by Blackangel. (Footer for photo credit )

Newborn Black Baby Kitty

This little kitty isn't very old, but they are cute aren't they?

If this was your kitten, what black cat name would you pick out?

pictures of cute black kittens
Photo by magw21. (Footer for photo credit)

Peek a Boo! Dark Kitty Cat Is On a Mission!

This little charcoal kitten is trying out his stalking skills.

Ebony kittens are adorable. Remember despite the superstitious feeling towards black kitties - they are really just another feline you can welcome into your heart. If you have a cute kitten picture and story, please share it with us here at Keeping Kittens. We have a monthly contest where we search for the Cutest Kitten, who earns bragging rights and their picture displayed on the home page of Keeping Kittens.

Where to Next?

  • Black Cat Names - Choosing the Perfect Black Kitten Name

  • Keeping Kittens - Guide to Caring for Kittens
    kitten care

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