Cutest Grey and White Kitten: The Most Adorable Kitten Named Snoopy!

by Rebecca
(Orlando, FL, USA)

Rebecca shares her grey and white kitten Snoopy and even includes a super cute kitten picture and the Snoopys story. Snoopy is entered in this months Cutest Kittens on Earth contest. To enter use the cute kitten picture form.

Snoopy is our cute and adorable kitten, but the story of how we got him is sad. My boyfriend and I were driving through the neighborhood on our way home when we spotted a cute and very skinny black and white kitten. We believe he was not more than about 5 weeks old. It was a chilly night and he was outside just laying down like someone left him to die. I knew I had to try to get him or I wouldn't be able to forgive myself for just leaving him in the cold!

I walked up to the kitten and to my surprise he didnt run from me he just let me pick him right up! I picked him and drove a few streets to my house. Once inside I started to examine him. Checked his nose, gums, teeth, ears and etc. He seemed to look overall healthy just underweight and covered with fleas! Gave him a bath in Dawn Dish washing liquid which by the way does kill fleas instantly! Poured him some food which he chomped down and let him rest.

The next day he was up and ready to play! He adapted to the house fast and within a week he put on a good amount of weight! Now we believe hes about 5 months old (we cant be sure since we dont know when he was born) and healthy and happy as can be!! We decided to name him Snoopy because hes black and white and cute as can be!

His favorite things to do are to eat, sleep and play! Wow! What a life huh? If he doesnt get his food right away he meows so you dont forget to feed him. Its true that cats all have different personalities. I believe if a cat could talk we would all be in trouble!lol

Snoopy is a great addition to our family!!

Thanks Rebecca for sharing Snoopy with us.

For more gray kitten pictures and to enter the monthly cute kitten contest.

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