Sick Kitten With Diarrhea

by Cherie
(Cassadaga, NY)

Picture of Cat with FIV

Picture of Cat with FIV

My kittens eyes are all grouped up. She is suffering from diarrhea since we found her and she is exhibiting no control of her poop. Whenever my kitten moves the stool keep on coming out.

Other than that she is eating and drinking with no problem. There is no bleeding around the neck or shoulder area.

We are very concerned since we found the kitten two weeks ago and she just has not gotten any better. we do not know how old she is and is a very small kitten.

is there anything we can do for her?

Vet Suggestion for Treating a Sick Kitten with Diarrhea

Hi Cherie,

Your kitten needs to be seen by a veterinarian. At a minimum, she should have a physical examination, be tested for feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus, and her feces should be examined for parasites.

Your veterinarian can provide you with some treatment options based on the results. Once your kitten is well, she will need to begin her vaccination series to protect her against a number of series diseases.


Jennifer Coates, DVM

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Jun 18, 2017

by: Jeffrey

We couldn't agree more. A kitten that shows more than 1 brief episode of diarrhea should see a veterinarian as soon as possible. Dehydration and other medical issues can set in fast.

Apr 30, 2017
How is your kitten doing?
by: Anonymous

I just came across your posting, not sure when this was posted could not find a date. I'm not sure why you would post this for suggestions, except you don't have the money for a vet This poor Kitten is suffering with what seems to be many issues. If you cannot afford to take him to the vet please think about re-homing him so he can get some help SOON. Thanks

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