Kitten Vomiting and Diarrhea
by Rebecca Hatfield
( Elberton, Georgia)
I have a 4 week old kitten that just was introduced to some soft kitten food. he's been vomiting his mother's milk. It's smells and looks like spoiled milk. His diarrhea is yellow and very runny. He's lethargic and not eating now. Hogging the heat source. Eyes and ears are clear. The mother has chronic diarrhea. what can I give him to settle his stomach. He's drinking lots of water.
Vet Suggestion For Treating Kitten Vomiting and DiarrheaHello Rebecca,
Your kitten needs to be seen by a veterinarian. Young kittens are very susceptible to a number of illnesses – viruses, bacterial infections, and parasites to name a few – that can be very serious, even fatal without prompt treatment. Giving medications without knowing what you are treating is usually a waste of money and will often make the situation worse rather than better in the long run.
A veterinarian will start by performing a physical exam and then will probably want to run a couple of simple tests (e.g., a fecal flotation and blood test for feline leukemia and feline immunodeficiency viruses). Based on the results, the doctor should be able come up with a plan for treatment or continued diagnostic work-up.
Jennifer Coates, DVM